Strategy Prototype | Instructions | Identity Crisis

Class 3  |  Assignment  |  Instructions  |  Strategy Prototype

I am born into a Thai-Chinese family with a mixture of Thai and Chinese Buddhist beliefs and superstitions. I have always been intrigued by how many of Thai parents name their kids.
Throughout my life, I have had 6 names in total.

  1. Bua (1 year)
  2. Arisara (2 years)
  3. Sarali (3 years)
  4. Panalee (6 years)
  5. Woraya (15 years (Present))
  6. Mint (27 years) 


Five official names are used legally in official documents and one nickname. These names are meticulously chosen by my parents and our family’s fortunetellers (seers) and all of these names have special meanings behind them. The first names are often from Sanskrit origins which usually mean something positive, long life and happiness.

บัว (bua) This is the first name of all the names I've given. According to my mother, “Bua” was chosen out of the doctor’s convenience and all the babies who are born with this particular doctors were all given by this name. The reason behind this is due to the strong Thai beliefs, similar to Chinese Feng Shui. There are many constraints and information needed in order to get the right names. 

  • Day
  • Date
  • Month
  • Year
  • Time

Hence, until the baby is born the parents cannot choose the right name yet. I went through so many names that I often felt unfamiliar to my own name. The decision making has always been up to my parents, relative, and fortune teller, whom I see them as authoritative figures.
Many of Thai nicknames are short, easy to remember, although, with no special meanings but they all have important purposes. One of the main purposes is to confuse the bad spirits (ghosts) so they won’t come and take the newborn spirits away.
     NickName Examples: 

  • Ouan = Fat [Slim Catwalk model body]
  • Moo = Pig [Slim Catwalk model body]
  • Dum = Black [Thais adore pale skin color]
  • Gob = Frog [To confuse the bad spirits to take animals souls instead]
  • Gai = Chicken

“MINT” is my nickname which means wealthy.

I used the Chinese Chi-Chi Sticks techniques (Siem-See in Thai) to create my own name out of chance and instructions. 


  1. Write your all your names (past and present) down on a piece of paper.
  2. Cut out individual letter
  3. Put them in a box
  4. Shake
  5. Pick out ONE letter
  6. Repeat step four and five until you reach two or more syllables
  7. Chronologically, assemble your name






English = RARAWORN

Thai = รราวร





Thai = อรสราป




English = SAPAREE

Thai = สปารี