p5.js | Arduino | p5 Serial Control
Friday Oct 7, 2016
Synthesis Challange
"The focus for today is a design challenge: Physical Variable.
Create an experience using p5 that responds to a single physical interaction. Think creatively about your physical interaction -- is it a switch, a sensor, attached to your body, invisible?"
At the beginning, we struggled a little bit because we could not figure out why the line plane does not tilt the way we mapped it out.
We also see these weird numbers when we printed out the values.
After a while of debugging and processes of plugging and unplugging and changing out the potentiometer, we finally figured out the reason….which I believe it has to do with the port between Arduino and p5 IDE. They were open at the same time, between Arduino and p5 IDE.
Not yet mapped value
Once we got the rotation working, we mapped out the value to -30 to 30
Mapped value -30, 30
We wanted to create balls to fall onto the line plane and make a sort of game out of it, so that the balls stay on the plane which it would be controlled by physical variable, as well as trying out different physical variable, but we didn't get a chance to do this.