Final Project Proposal A

Week 10  |  Ideas  |  Inspirations  |  Procrastination......

This is a Final Project Proposal of what I wanted to do.... but I think I should focus on my other idea that involves a project from Physical Computing Class. Me and Dror, we are developing a Video Machine [ continuation process since Midterm ] But I'm just going to post what I wanted to do, so maybe sometime in the near future I can make these sketches.

I want to make series of Drawings of Natural scenes through experimentation with Perlin Noise + Flow Field.

I want to experiment with Perlin Noise + Flow Field generating clouds and ocean and maybe have some underwater creatures floating in my sketches.

Favourite Hobbies  =  Diving ~~~

^^^^ Me in the photos

A glimpse at my Pinterest inspiration page.

A glimpse at my Pinterest inspiration page.



  • Natural Behavior  |  Phenomena
  • Things that effect another thing
  • Swarm Behavior  |  Wind
  • Emerging of Life through randomness

Inspirations  Artists

  • Sol Lewitt
  • Casey Reas
    • Instruction  |  Procedural Art
    • Simple Rule sets


  • Box of Wonder
  • Natural Bliss


  • For me? To help me to procrastinate faster


  • Too simple?  [ want to focus on coding skills + drawings ]

What are you unsure of? Conceptually and Technically.

  • Self Running object not just show on a laptop screen.
  • Raspberry Pi + Screen => Fabrication involve
  • Time?
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